About the Science of Radio
These modules will lead educators through key concepts in the science, engineering and social impacts of radio frequency technologies.
It explores the pervasiveness of radio and its role in modern communication, highlighting how engineers use electromagnetic waves to transmit information and the challenges of a limited radio spectrum. It also examines the societal impact and future potential of radio, emphasizing the need for equitable technology development through collaborative efforts.
What is radio?
Radio is everywhere. It is invisible energy carrying data between cell phones and information from Earth to orbiting satellites. Radio waves are also emitted by our planet, objects in outer space, and events like starting a car or turning on a light.
Radio is a field of scientific and technological research making significant changes in how we communicate, work and live. Wireless connectivity plays a starring role in history and our future, encompassing everyday communication, healthcare and remote monitoring systems.
When the first radio communication was used to send a message across great distances using wireless telegraphy in 1895, the airspace was changed forever. Today, radio waves are used by wireless laptops, remote-control car locks, AirPods and Internet-of-Things devices. Radio is employed for air traffic control, spacecraft communications and astronomical research.
Radio frequency technologies continue to be developed through innovations in science and engineering. Equally important for society are the policies governing radio usage by everyone.
Like many innovative technologies on the horizon, it is vital that everyone is informed about radio and has a voice in how it shapes our future. We each have a role to play. Our decisions about how to use and share the radio spectrum shape our individual lives, society and the world.What does this guide cover?
This guide is divided into 5 sections to provide both scientific & engineering content connected to radio but also the impacts of this technology on our society.
Radio is everywhere. Electromagnetic radiation is around us at all times.
Radio waves carry information. Engineers create technologies to encode and decode information carried by electromagnetic waves.
Radio is a scarce resource. Uses for radio are expanding, but the radio spectrum is not.
Radio is changing us. Innovations in radio research may create surprising ways to communicate in the future.
Radio is part of our society and our future. Making radio technology equitable requires all of our voices.
Electromagnetic radiation is around us at all times
Radio is a form of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. Light and energy from the sun are also EM radiation, as are infrared light and microwaves.
Electromagnetic radiation in everyday life
Every electrical device
including the wires and appliances in your home, generates an electromagnetic field.
Our eyes
can perceive visible light, a type of electromagnetic (EM) radiation, but they are incapable of detecting other forms of the EM spectrum, including radio waves.
AM/FM Radios
are designed to receive specific frequencies of EM radiation and convert this energy into sound.
Microwave Ovens
use EM radiation to transfer energy directly to water molecules, thereby heating up food.
Sunglasses & Sunscreen
block or filter specific kinds of EM radiation, like ultraviolet (UV) light.
Computers and Cell Phones
transmit and receive information using technologies that function within the radio frequency spectrum.
X-Ray Machines
use high-energy "ionizing" EM radiation, which is different from the low-energy "non-ionizing" radiation found in radio waves and light.
Astronomical Telescopes
capture EM radiation emitted by interstellar objects, such as quasars and nebulas. Almost all astronomical events generate radio waves.
People use radio technology every day
Many of the devices we use every day send and receive electromagnetic waves. When we use the word “radio,” we are referring to many uses of EM waves, not only AM/FM radio. Cell phones, for instance, use EM waves at multiple frequencies within the radio spectrum. When connecting a cell phone to wireless earbuds, "Bluetooth" technology is used, which is a short-range wireless communication operating on a specific band of the radio spectrum. More examples appear below.
(2.4 & 5GHz)Smart appliances
Routers & personal computers
(.03-.3 GHz)FM radio
Some TV signals
Emergency communicatio
(1-100 GHz)GPS
Satellite communication
Some road toll systems
(.86-.96 GHz)Credit cards
Library books
Key fobs
(1.9-2.1 GHz)Wireless phone
Some mobile data
(2.4 GHz)Wireless health monitors
Cordless headphones & keyboards
Smartphones and Wi-Fi are just 2 examples of the everyday presence of radio
Additional information on Wi-Fi connectivity:
Cisco. (2019, February). Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update 2017–2022. Retrieved from: http://media.mediapost.com/uploads/CiscoForecast.pdf
Additional information on IoTs:
Howarth, J. (2023, November 3). 80+ Amazing IoT Statistics (2024-2030). Exploding Topics. https://explodingtopics.com/blog/iot-stats
IoT devices are expected to triple by 2030, far outnumbering people
Top IoT devices at home in the US (source: statista)
Smart TVs:
Widely used in homes, they offer internet connectivity and support various streaming services.
Smart speakers:
These devices can control other smart devices and assist with various tasks using voice commands.
Streaming devices:
Used for media consumption from various online platforms.
Smart bulbs:
Allow remote control and customization of lighting in homes.
Security cameras:
Provide home security solutions with remote monitoring capabilities.
Connected thermostats:
These devices learn your preferences and optimize energy use.
Related educational materials
Radio Explorers: Radio Silence (lesson)
5G Covet - SNR House (app)
What is Radio? (video)
Radio Waves on the Electromagnetic Spectrum, English & Spanish (activity component)
Radio waves are different lengths
Waves in different bands of the EM spectrum interact with materials differently. For example, visible light can pass through your sunglasses, yet many lenses are capable of blocking 100% of ultraviolet light, protecting your eyes from damage while allowing you to see. Similarly, radio waves can easily pass through air, glass, and wood, but they are absorbed by water and reflected by metals.
Sections, or "bands," of the spectrum are defined by their range of wavelengths. Another common method to describe radio wave lengths is through their frequency—the number of waves that form in one second. Frequency can be measured in hertz (Hz), megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz). One Hz equals one cycle per second, while one GHz equals one billion cycles per second.
The radio band, characterized by its long wavelengths, is highlighted within the full EM spectrum. The portion depicted as a rainbow represents the band of visible light that is detectable by our eyes."
AM Radio
The EM wave transmitted by AM Radio stations can be as long as a city block (580 ft to 1,820 ft).
A 5GHz WiFi router transmits EM waves about as long as the bee hummingbird, the world's smallest bird (6cm).
Millimeter waves, found within the bands used for 5G communications, can have wavelengths about as long as a grain of rice, roughly 7.7mm.
The EM spectrum is crowded and in high demand
To send and receive data both reliably and securely, each device requires a unique frequency that no other nearby device is using simultaneously. However, the radio spectrum offers a limited number of frequencies suitable for communication, and most of these are already allocated for specific purposes. The usage of each band within the radio spectrum is regulated by governments, guided by both national and international agreements.
This section below highlights frequency bands used by common communication technologies. Newer technology systems, such as 5G, can operate over a wide range of frequencies, partly because higher frequency bands have fewer historical uses. Also, since higher frequency waves don't travel as far, there's less likelihood of interference between devices.
The table above shows the radio spectrum from 0-300 GHz, highlighting the diverse uses assigned to each frequency band, each denoted by a different color. The spectrum is particularly crowded with various applications at the lower frequencies, which have historically been easier for technologies to use reliably. Additionally, many bands are reserved for military and government purposes, including air traffic control, emergency services and research.
Negative impacts are not likely to be equally distributed
Laws governing aspects of radio technology, including broadband access, potential interference, privacy and data protection, have the potential to either increase opportunity and enhance the quality of life for everyone or perpetuate historical patterns of inequality.
From the expansion of widespread cell phone networks to the application of drones in surveillance and package delivery, and from RFID tags used in credit cards, library books and packages to remote sensor systems and virtual surgery, radio technologies are profoundly influencing economic and social life. While the benefits of these technological advancements may be readily apparent, their negative impacts are often less obvious.
Additional information on radio communications and Hurricane Harvey:
Jones, D. (2017). Digital impact of Hurricane Harvey. LinkedIn. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/digital-impact-hurricane-harvey-david-jones/
Digital redlining
Radio waves can interfere with devices operating on nearby frequency bands if those devices are not designed to filter out waves outside their assigned band. For example, phone companies were recently allowed to purchase rights to a new section of the spectrum known as the “C Band,” which is used for 5G operations. People are unsure if new, powerful C Band technologies will disrupt equipment on some older airplanes that use frequencies close to this band to measure altitude.
Image courtesy of National Digital Inclusion Alliance
This 2016 map of Detroit illustrates areas with high poverty rates (over 35%) in red, and areas with high-speed internet access (over 18Mbps) in green. The development of broadband infrastructure has primarily focused on wealthier areas outside the city center, resulting in limited investment in the predominantly Black and lower-income downtown areas.
The pattern demonstrates how access to mobile and home broadband infrastructure can reinforce the legacy of racial and economic housing segregation. Historically, “redlining” was a practice of financing investment in largely White neighborhoods, but not in majority Black or immigrant neighborhoods. Today, “digital redlining” makes it more difficult to participate in our increasingly connected society. It is one example of how the development, distribution and regulation of radio-related technology can impact communities.
The pattern observed in Detroit demonstrates how access to both mobile and home broadband infrastructure can perpetuate the legacy of racial and economic housing segregation. Historically, "redlining" referred to the practice of prioritizing financial investment in predominantly White neighborhoods, while neglecting majority Black or immigrant communities. Today, a similar result is hindering participation in our increasingly connected society. This is one example of how the development, distribution and regulation of radio technologies and systems can have profound impacts on communities.
Related educational materials
Radio Futures: You Decide (lesson plan)
Nanotechnology and Society Guide (professional development)
Radio has become a commons – shared and integral to us all
Being connected is now incredibly important for full participation in economic systems, political processes, community life and social relationships. Radio has emerged not only as a technological tool but as a shared space crucial for societal cohesion, promising the potential for more inclusive access to information for all segments of society. Internet access has even been declared a human right in some countries—including Finland and Estonia— yet relies on infrastructure that is often privately owned and on spectrum bands that are regulated. Radio communication is often the last link between people and the vast infrastructure of the internet, so it is vital that we protect the right to use radio technologies safely, regardless of economic status, political beliefs, location or background.
This professional development module is adapted from: Engaging the Public in Radio: Key Concepts in the Science, Engineering, and Social Impacts of Radio Frequency Technologies (2022). By Colin Dixon, Sherry Hsi, and Seth Van Doren from the BSCS Science Learning.
This material and many of its referenced resources is based upon work supported by National Science Foundation, through grant #2053160. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
All images from the module are in the public domain or creative commons licensed with the exception of those listed below. These images cannot be reused without permission from the author and respective sources.
Section 2:
IoT and Wi-Fi usage chart, courtesy of BSCS
Section 3
EM waveform, courtesy of BSCS
Digital modulation diagram, courtesy of BSCS
Let's send a selfie, original art adapted from the NISE Network
Highway analogy for bandwidth, courtesy of BSCS
Section 4:
US Frequency charts, courtesy of US Dept of Commerce
Section 5
Digital Redlining, courtesy of National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Section 6
World map, courtesy of BSCS